As more and more people (millennials especially) are growing up and buying homes, they’re looking for furnishings that provide more than just a place to sit or store personal belongings. They want items that define their personalities as well as their lifestyles — furniture that is as durable and long-lasting as it is striking. If you’re looking to hire someone to build high quality furniture, there are a few things you’re going to want to pay attention to during your search.

Dedication: As surprising as it may sound, this is a hard requirement to meet. Many people create a business because they simply need an income, yet high quality furniture is not an area you want to skimp on. Even if you’re just purchasing something as straightforward as bar stools, you want a manufacturer who treats each piece as if they were going in their own home. Finding a furniture producer whose tricks of the trade have been passed down through several generations is usually a good sign — this business is as much a part of their life as their family is, so they’ll be more likely to imbue each work with a passion inherited from their parents or grandparents.

Craftsmanship: Passion is one thing, but your furniture makers are still going to need to possess a great amount of skill. Again, family businesses tend to be safe because skills are passed down through decades of experience, and the current owners most likely spent their entire lives surrounded by the high quality workmanship environment that was created by their elders. The ability to create something that is as strong as it is beautiful is no easy feat — especially because most consumers expect wooden furniture to last them at least 15 years longer than other types. Find furniture manufacturers that can meet that expectation and still design something uniquely your own, and you’ll be overwhelmingly satisfied with the result.

This piece is going to be in your home, your most personal of spaces — your friends and family are going to see it when they come to visit. Take the time to research high quality furniture manufacturers to make sure you’ve found the right one, and you’ll be happy with your furniture for decades to come.